NGO Member
Sectors: Humanitarian Organizations
##39B, Street 608
Sangkat Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC), a local non-profit and non-political organization, was established in 2000 by a group of women and one of those was the current GADC’s Executive Director, Mrs. Ros Sopheap. GADC focuses on gender equality as a human right, which is strongly tied to women’s rights. It believes that women and men have the right to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender role and prejudices.

GADC’s vision: A just Cambodia where all people, especially women and girls, are equally empowered to participate in development and to protect and fulfill their human rights.

GADC’s mission: To advance gender equality as a fundamental human right.

GADC’s activities:
Advocacy and Networking program: Target the whole country at the national, provincial, district and commune levels. The target groups are various women including women victims of land eviction, street venders, garment workers, entertainment workers, domestic workers, women leaders at sub-national level, youth groups and women leader in public service.

* Community Outreach program: To promote positive, healthy relationships between women and men on individual level in 3 target districts in 3 provinces namely Prey Veng, Kampong Chhnang and Pursat. It trains women and men to become resources for their communities, so that members of these communities are able to discuss sensitive issues, like addressing gambling or poverty, in a non-threatening environment.

Cambodia Men Network (CMN): Work to transform gender power and gender norm toward promote gender equality, women leadership, and end VAW/G among Cambodian men. They are husband of women leader, men in decision marking position in sub-national level (province, district, and commune, youth and men in communities.


Chandy Eng
Executive Director